Steven Levy talks about Stephen Wolfram and the book A New Kind of Science which I mentioned earlier. “Some of the engineers are developing A New Kind of Science Explorer, a PC application with a mini-Mathematica program that allows people to run the experiments in the book and begin to do research projects of their own. Wolfram feels very strongly that ‘his’ kind science is one through which amateurs will unearth major discoveries, and he has been thinking of various ways to assist them.” All this sounds like fun.
Day: May 20, 2002
Vice President Chenney warns that additional terror attacks are “almost a certainty.” I agree with Blake Ross: this is not the time to play the blame game about September 11. We’re all in this together. Jef Raskin explains how the next terror attacks may be worse if terrorists use a small remote-controlled airplane with a deadly payload. Sadly, I’m sure this is but one of the many ways we are vulnerable. God help us.