Bugzilla Bookmarklets

Mozilla is a fascinating project and is turning into a terrific browser. Unfortunately, it still needs polish. Below are some bookmarklets for tracking and logging bugs. Bookmarklets are short JavaScript programs that you activate by selecting a bookmark in your browser.

I download and test the nightly builds fairly regularly since I'm developing a DHTML Web-based application for it. I was very happy when they added the JavaScript console, even if you had to get to it in a new way. :-) If you're interested in testing Mozilla, check out the buildbar comments at MozillaZine. You can Get Involved in Mozilla coding or bug hunting, too.


Go to Bugzilla (N4 and Moz)
Select a bug number or summary description term and click this bookmarklet to go to the appropriate item in Bugzilla. You can also activate the bookmarklet and type in a bug number or summary term. Snagged from the Bugzilla main page and tweaked to work correctly.
Go to Bugzilla (Opens in New Window) (N4 and Moz)
Select a bug number or summary description term and click this bookmarklet to go to the appropriate item in Bugzilla. You can also activate the bookmarklet and type in a bug number or summary term. Opens the bug/query in a new window.
Go to Bugzilla (IE)
Select a bug number or summary description term and click this bookmarklet to go to the appropriate item in Bugzilla. You can also activate the bookmarklet and type in a bug number or summary term. Snagged from the Bugzilla main page and tweaked to work correctly and to support IE.
Collect buglinks (N4)
Gathers all the bug links from a bugzilla page and does a query to get summary, state, severity, and priority. I first saw this on Jesse Ruderman's bookmarklets page as a solution for the feature request in bug 12286. I modified it to use document.links[].text instead of document.links[].innerHTML so it correctly ignores bugzilla's First, Last, Prev, Next links on Netscape.
Collect buglinks (IE5,Moz,N4*)
Gathers all the bug links from a bugzilla page and does a query to get summary, state, severity, and priority. I first saw this on Jesse Ruderman's bookmarklets page as a solution for the feature request in bug 12286. * This will work with N4, but won't ignore First, Last, Prev, Next links, so use bookmarklet above.

Note: With Mozilla you can also modify these to be Custom Keywords so you'd just type "bug " and a bug number in the location bar and it will show the bug in Bugzilla. (Replace the document.getSelection() with %s) Very Cool!